Blurring the Lines is happy to announce the winners and finalists of the 2020 edition selected by curators Steve Bisson, Lisanne van Happen, and John Fleetwood. For the fifth edition, we have received 151 very high-quality projects coming from 38 participating photography schools worldwide. For this edition, the curators selected 33 finalists and 3 winners.
This call aim to select, exhibit, and publish projects representing the rapidly changing field of photography. The curators were very impressed by the high quality of the projects this year and made a selection of projects that deserve a broader audience.  The 2020 call theme is “Commitment” as the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc., or an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action. The question of photography’s commitment to real-world issues and its relationship provides significant directives for promoting a social engagement from photographers, changing the photographic tool.
Our alumni Natalia Davtyan (ELISAVA) and Alexandra Maldonado (SHIFTA) we among the finalist and  their work will be published in the catalog of this edition.
Alexandra Maldonado
Natalia Davtyan